“Involuntary painting” (#involuntarypainting) is a Facebook group formed by Milree Hughes and Paul Conneally. They ask: “with all the changes in contemporary art over the last 100 years what (out there, in the world) could be mistaken for a painting? In other words, they say, if you were a visiting alien, what might you mis-attribute as a Painting, given that you had full knowledge of its history?”

Their criteria: surfaces, objects and things that are not intended to be art, that through some process of time, decay, graffiti, or some kind of abuse have become “involuntary paintings”. IP they say, “should be something recognizable in the street (or wherever found) as a ‘painting’ (though it might be of different material than paint), not “made to look painterly”, by camera frame alone. IP can be in relief, or even in multiple dimensions (foreground/background/texture.”

No, to the following: reflections, sky or shadows, lichen on rocks, sand ripples, snowy mountains, etc.

Images created mostly/only by shadows, reflections or light are posted to an offshoot page called “Shadows and Reflections”.

The following images are all my photos that I submitted to this Facebook group. Click on image to enlarge.