Upcoming workshop this weekend - there are a few spaces left.

I will be teaching "Creating Marks Through Actions" at the Vancouver Island School of Art

Oct 3 & 4 Sat & Sun, 10am - 5pm    All supplies are included.

This two-day workshop focuses on unconventional ways of creating marks. The first day involves creating a collection of marks on paper using traditional tools including pen, ink and graphite, as well as more unconventional ones such as an awl, smoke, needle, thread, hammer and nail. A range of movements and actions will be explored: puncturing, smoking, burning, rubbing, cutting and sewing, etc. You will make a book and a collage from mark-making explorations on the second day. Design and composition will be covered along with a demonstration on different methods of adhering collage materials. This workshop is ideal for those looking to expand their mark-making vocabulary and create unique surfaces with inventive marks. No experience necessary. 

There are still a few spaces left.    Call 250.380.3500 to register.

Examples of some of the processes we will be working with.