When I was cleaning my Mom's house 2 years ago I came across an old art portfolio of mine from when I was 14 years old. This image would probably be my first collage ever. It is glued onto the cover of a scribbler - the kind with plain unlined newsprint paper inside. The back cover has Elmer's Safety Rules. Elmer is an elephant telling you the pedestrian safety rules; look both ways before you cross the street, obeying signs, etc. This scribbler collage has a black cord, a chain attached to the letter "J" with Jill etched on it - probably something I won at the 5 cent digger at the Calgary Stampede. As well there is a heart, eight pennies, copper glitter and small orange mosaic pebbles. My art teacher wrote in the bottom right corner "tres bien". It is such good fun to look through this little treasure of art bits - I can't believe that I found it after 40 years.
Childhood collage
in Collage