My sources of inspirtation - Big Beaach at Ucluelet, BC
All Photos, video and artwork by Jill Ehlert ©
Intertidal Zone and tidal pools. Ucluelet, BC Canada
Sketch Book work - click on a thumbnail to see a slideshow
The work in my sketch book was done in my room looking down onto the beach below. I was focusing on the black rocks. The last six, I was having fun with mark making -the last two were inspired from the amazing colours and magical world of all the species I saw at the Ucluelet Aquarium.
Great painting location
Using "Old Mans Beard" -a type of lichen that grows on trees had blown onto the beach. I used this to paint with for extra texture. I wet the watercolour paper with sea water and then dragged the paper over the rocks to create line work. A background for future work.
Burned beach log as a mark-making tool
This burnt log was on the beach, I used it to apply charcoal marks on my paper by dragging my paper across it. The green marks are from leaves I dragged the paper over and used a rock o pound some of the colour out.. These pieces will make a good backgrounds for future work.
These will make great mark making tools in my drawings. Dipping the tool into India ink, walnut ink, etc.